Marine Antifoulant Model to Predict Environmental Concentrations (MAMPEC)

The MAMPEC model is a steady-state 2D integrated hydrodynamic and chemical fate model with a user-friendly interface. It was originally developed to predict environmental concentrations (PECs) for the exposure assessment of antifoulants in marine environment (harbours, rivers, estuaries and open water). MAMPEC is also being used to assess the exposure to antifoulants from aquaculture nets, freshwater systems, discharges of chemicals from ballast water. There are also options for advanced photolysis modelling, speciation analysis, service-life emission and other choices. MAMPEC has been validated for a number of compounds and is recognized by regulatory authorities in EU, USA, Japan, and other OECD countries. MAMPEC is based on the Delf3D-WAQ and Silthar model.

Developed by Deltares (



Suggested users: Aquaculture producers, regulators.

Format: Standalone computer application 

Cost: Free to use

Data requirements: Hydrodynamics (flow velocity etc), water characteristics (POC, DOC, SPM, Chla, salinity, temperature, pH etc), layout (site dimensions such as length, width, depth), sediment characteristics, background concentrations, antifoulant characteristics (molecular weight, solubility, Kd etc), emission of antifoulant (coverage of product, concentration of active ingredient, fraction of released active ingredient etc)

Time requirements:  If the data is available, it requires less than an hour to set up and the results are instantaneous. 

Required resources: It can be run on a standard computer. Version 3 is based on .NET framework and C# and is compatible to current and expected upgrades of the Windows XP/VISTA/7 OS

Prior knowledge: Experience of the aquaculture system to understand the emission of antifoulants in the environment, and basic knowledge on the behaviour of antifoulants in the water column and in the sediment. There is a user manual to help use the tool.